Welcome to the inner machinations of my mind
Otherwise known as the storage closet of my most recent, most random and most experimental design ideas that I work on when I'm not neck-deep in client work.
Product Photography
Art direction isn't just what I do, it's how I see the world. As a result, everything I do has a tendency to be artfully arranged. Naturally, that tendency manifested in product photography.

From Word to Illustrator
I'm a designer who can write! Anything from copy, to voice over scripts to full on book manuscripts I've tried my hand at, a lot of these ideas I've later converted to designs and visual tactics to breathe life into what's written on the page.

A Splash of Randomness
You never know where an idea is going to come from or what it'll turn into in the end but when it happens, it usually turns into something spectacularly ridiculous.
Part of my #stockimagechallenge series where I take the weirdest stock imagery I can find and try to make legitimate projects out of them.

One of the winners of Pepsi's HangingwithmyPeeps social media contest where the top selected posts win their limited edition Peeps flavored Pepsi (Peepsi).

Here's the prize Pepsi sent me, limited edition packaged Peepsi
365 Days of Happiness
I was going through a particularly rough time where each day blended into the next and I couldn't find anything to look forward to anymore. Then one day, a thought occurred: "there has to be something good about today". That revelation began my 365 day series about finding the good in everyday life, even if it's small, and taking the time to notice it and be appreciative for all you have.
Click through using the arrow to the right of the grid to see all 365 posts.